Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Todos Santos - Tortuga Beach

Today we went to a few beaches. Tortuga beach is a protected beach about a mile from where we are staying. Saw no one on the beach. It was a very steep beach with powerful waves crashing onto the beach. Not safe for swimming. It is a turtle hatching area. Saw a number of whales just off shore.
Drove to Cerritos Surf beach but the swell was too big today. The air temp was 80 and water temp 80. Perfectly sandy bottom and water felt even better than Hawaii. Just need the waves to come down a bit. Lifeguard had to go into the surf to save one guy who got too far out.
More Cerritos tomorrow and if it's too rough we'll look at Las Palmas. Will also explore town more and do a bit of shopping.

Loreto to Todos Santos

Had a wonderful evening in Loreto. Dinner was first class at a restaurant above the Sea of Cortez. Best steak frijita ever (mesquite brisket). The drive from Loreto to Todos Santos was about 5 hours on a good road. The last hour into Todos Santos was on an Interstate 5 like road with very few cars. They are pumping money into this little town's infra-structure. If only they'd put street signs up we could have found the home we're staying in a little easier. It appears to be a wonderful, historic old town but we drove by looking for the home. Finally pulled in around 4pm to our beautiful casa for the next 2 weeks and unloaded the van just before sundown. Sleeping weather was perfect. It went from 80 to 50 last night. A great breeze kept things cool. Off to the beach and town soon.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bahia Concepcion

An easy travel day, finally, brought us to Bahia Concepcion . Wonderful beaches just outside of Mulege. We stopped at two of them and passed by a dozen more as we drove to Loreto ( only 2 hrs away ). Dogs had their best day yet in the waters of the Sea of Cortez.

At Playa Requeson we walked across the white sand and knee deep water to an island with Mangrove trees. The picture is looking back at our van (on the far left) from the island.

Evening at Mulege

Got to Mulege on the Sea of Cortez in the late afternoon ( we are in Mountain time zone now and it's light until 6:30 ). Mulege is a small town and everyone is very friendly. Found a book store to get an English/Spanish dictionary and were told about a campground along the river in an orchard. The evening was like a summer night (finally) - a warm breeze, crescent moon and quietness made for great sleeping here in the tangerine orchard. A night of camping, hot showers, and all the tangerines you can eat for $8. I'm loving Baja.....

Dates at San Ignacio

We had a challenging drive to San Ignacio only because about 4 miles of the road was being repaired and we had to drive on the old Baja off road. We got very dusty. After that we breezed into a wonderful oasis called San Ignacio. Had lunch there and learned about how the Franciscan monks spread date seeds from the town to the coast ( about 30 miles ). The palms were beautiful. The dates were drying at the restaurant. The owner talked with us about his orchards and his town. Best stop of the trip so far............

Evening at Catavina

Drove thru some amazing granite boulder fields that I didn't get pictures of ( luckily we are travelling back thru on our way home so I can capture them then ). We stayed overnight in a primitive campground surrounded by cactus, burros, and horses. Evening sunset was another spectacular one.............

Lunch at San Quintin

Our first full day in Baja brought us to a lunch stop in San Quintin. About a dozen family run restaurants were along the side of the road. Each one specialized in a particular seafood. We picked a clam specialty mainly because they were cooking the clams out front in a refrigerator turned on its side. We had clam soup with a tomato base and lots of peppers, onions,ect. Delicious !! About 4 dollars for a huge bowl. The whole family was working there from Grandmother to granddaughter.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Awoke to a couple of Baja dogs playing in the campground. They were recently rescued by one of the resort residents. We are off to El Rosario or Catavina today, about 250 miles. Then theres a long stretch without gas of about 200 miles. No clouds today and expected to be about 75 degrees. (Todos Santos was 90 degs yesterday). The nights are very cool but the day time is perfect. There's a very fertile valley just over the mountains, about 30 miles away, that we'll shop for our first fresh fruit. Probably no wifi for a few days......

Thursday, November 24, 2011

First evening in Baja. Staying at Estero Beach, a beautiful estuary on the coast just south of Ensenada. Dogs can run free and lots of Pelicans, Osprey, Sandpipers and other birds. The island of Todos Santos is just off shore. Have met many nice people already who have shared travel info and tips with us. We are looking across the bay at city lights, now that the sun has gone down and enjoying the quiet and solitude at this magnificent campground and resort ( with wifi !). 
Stayed on the coast at South Carlsbad State Park for Thanksgiving eve. Many more campers there than we expected over the holiday but still had plenty of room. Good surf in the morning that I missed out on since I was consumed with border crossing thoughts. Pelicans and surfers.......
Great meals, conversations and fun for all at the Manheim house! Stede's sister, Wendy and husband Rudy along with their dog Lola and cats Annie and Fifi welcomed us in their wonderful Agoura Hills home for several days.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Santa Barbara was sunny and warm. We stayed with our niece, Shelly, her husband Steve and daughters Alexi and Reese. Wonderful day on the beach -  Dolphins, otters and dogs - oh my............

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hospital Rock

Just before the road climbed to the summit was 'Hospital Rock'. An area where Indians lived and helped heal a few early pioneers back to health after they injured themselves (usually from gunshot wounds they inflicted on themselves). Amy is on top of the rock that was a bit hollow below - allowing you to get out of the weather. Lots of mortar holes all around he rock that Indians used to grind acorns into meal and picturgraphs on nearby granite ( circa 1840's ).

Sequoia Aquaduct Trail

Right in the campground there was a trail that traveled along an old aquaduct. The aquaduct was currently being used to control water from the river. We saw a huge black bear in the campground right after we returned.

Sequoia National Park

We rolled into Sequoia National Park on a very foggy, overcast day. We stayed low in the Park after hearing that snow was on the road around the Big Trees. The lower level was rich with Indian picturgraphs and history. We want to revisit this park when the weather is better.........

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Where's the Kitty Hiding ?

A feral cats home. Walked right by and didn't notice the kitty until I walked by again ...........

Monday, November 7, 2011

Northern Pygmy Owl Pup

Today a Northern Pygmy Owl baby crashed into our window and was stunned for a few mintues. It was nice to be able to watch it recover and fly off.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Yachats Arts & Craft Fair

The fall Arts & Craft fair in Yachats is going on today......... Amy had a lot of sales !!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Looking South from Alsea Bay to Cape Perpetua

Background pic -- looking South, our direction of travel in 2 weeks....to Baja Sur.
It will be a busy two weeks.
To warmer water..............